Student Handbook


     We extend a warm welcome to all students entering Centertown Elementary. Centertown Elementary has a history of academic excellence, and we encourage all our students to continue on this path of excellence.  We have a variety of extra-curricular activities that offer each student an opportunity to take part in one or more activities of his or her choosing.  We look forward to working with the parents or guardians of our students.  The Partnership of parents/guardians and teachers helps each student reach his/her potential. A complete listing of local policy is contained in the Policy Manual of Warren County Board of Education.  This manual is on file at the Central Office Teacher’s Center at 2548 Morrison Street.  Interested persons may review this policy manual during regular office hours, 8 am – 4 pm, Monday-Friday. This can also be found on the internet at
We are a learning community dedicated to the success of every student.
Centertown’s faculty and staff are committed to helping each student achieve excellence in learning, social responsibility, and self-worth to attain career/college readiness and life-long success.
Students entering a Tennessee school for the first time must present proof of age, residency zone of Centertown School and Warren County. Children entering school (K-12) must have the required immunizations or the appropriately documented exemption. The state of Tennessee has new immunization requirements for entrance into the 7th grade. Students without proper documentation for immunizations will be sent home until documentation is provided (Board Policy JGCA). Students entering kindergarten must have reached the age of 5 on or before August 15th of the current school year.

 This, and any, type of harassment will not be tolerated.  Students should report any incident of harassment to his/her teacher, counselor, or principal.
Students should tell their teacher, guidance counselor, or other school employee if they feel they are being neglected, hurt, or abused by someone or if they know a friend who is neglected or abused. Abuse Hotline number is 1-877-237-0026.
According to TCA 37-1-412, anyone having suspicion or information suggesting child abuse/neglect is required to report it to the Department of Children Services (DCS) at 473-1524. Students should tell their teacher, guidance counselor, nurse, or other school employee if they feel they are being neglected, hurt, or abused by someone or if they know a friend who is neglected or abused.
When visiting the school. please park in a designated parking spot.  All visitors are required to report to the office when entering the school, sign a logbook, and receive a visitor’s badge.  The faculty and administration welcomes the opportunity to meet with you and discuss your concerns.  Please schedule a time to meet with your child's teacher after class so this does not interrupt instructional time.   If a parent needs to give his/her child a message, they must go to the office and the child will be called.
School board policy JLC prohibits the delivery of flowers, balloons, etc. by anyone, including family members to students

Our school opens for students at 7:00 and students should NOT arrive before this time.  Student arriving at 7:00 should report to the cafeteria or gym as instructed by their teachers.   School begins at 7:45 a.m.  Students should enter through the front of the building.  Parents are asked to report to the office and make arrangements to visit classrooms.   Safety is our primary concern.  Please use caution and do not exceed the 15 mph speed limit while on school campus. Cell phones usage while driving is prohibited by a new state law while on campus.  Violations are subject to citation by law enforcement officers. Please do not drop students off in front of the gym; this is a safety concern. The school day is over at 2:45 p.m.  Students who walk home or ride with parents may leave at this time.  Students must be picked up by 3:10.
Being at school and class on time is essential for optimum teaching, learning, and earning promotion to the next grade.  School bus transportation is provided free of charge to students in Warren County.  For this reason, tardiness related to car problems, traffic, oversleeping, etc. are not valid reasons for tardiness.    
School begins at 7:45. Due to heavy volumes of traffic around 7:30 am, it is advised that you plan accordingly.  Students are released to go to classrooms at 7:40. Students must be in their classrooms when the 7:45 bell rings, or they WILL be tardy and MUST report to the office for a tardy slip. NEVER drop your child off if he/she is tardy, without coming inside to sign the student in! If the child is tardy and is not signed in, you will be called and asked to come back to school to do so.  
•Three tardies or unexcused early dismissals within the same quarter will result in a warning being issued and the parent notified by the attendance clerk.
•On the 4th tardy or unexcused early dismissal within the same quarter, the student will receive two hours of After School Instruction (ASI) and the parent will be called for a conference at the school. 
•On the fifth tardy or unexcused early school dismissals within the same quarter, the student will have a mandatory meeting with the school principal and/or District Attendance Director and the student will be placed on an attendance contract for the remainder of the quarter.  If the student is out of zone, the student will be required to attend the school they are zoned.

When it becomes necessary for a student to leave during the course of the school day, he/she must be signed out in the school office by the parent, guardian, or parent designee.  No student is to leave campus for any reason at any time unless he/she has been properly signed out.  The individual signing the student out is to report to the office.  The office will then contact the student.  Authorization cards (yellow cards) are to be filled out when a student registers.  Only persons whose name appears on the student's card will be allowed to sign the student out.  STUDENTS SIGNED OUT EARLY OR REPORTING LATE WILL ACCUMULATE TIME COUNTING TOWARDS A DAY'S ABSENCE.   Students going home with other students must have a note signed from the parents stating who the student will be leaving with and on which bus the student will be riding.  This note must be brought to the office and initialed by the secretary and then given back to the student to give to the bus driver.  This gives the student permission to ride the bus for that day.  All arrangements must be made in advance or the student will follow their regular routine. Students will not be permitted to call home to make arrangements. DUE TO RECENT SAFETY CONCERNS, PHONE CALLS CHANGING A CHILD’S PICK-UP PLAN WILL NO LONGER BE ACCEPTED. Parents must report to school to change a child’s pick-up plan. For the safety of our students, the will be no sign-outs in the office after 2:30.  Proof of identity will be required if school personnel are not acquainted with you.  Please have a photo ID.

Due to safety concerns, student drop off will not be allowed before 7:00 a.m. Please be advised that if your child is dropped off before the door opens, you may receive a phone call from the SRO or school administration.  A lane in front of the building is available for parents to pull forward and drop off students.  Beginning at 7:30, an employee will assist your child to exit the car and enter the building since this is a high traffic time for drop off.  Parents who wish to park and not get in line will need to walk their child to the door.  Students do not need to be released in the parking lot to enter the building unescorted due to high volumes of morning traffic.  The drop off line moves efficiently if students are prepared to exit when they reach the front of the line.  Please be courteous to other drivers by pulling in and parking if you are not prepared to immediately release your child to enter the building when at the front of the drop off line.  Please do not pull up and release your child on the opposite side of the building.  This is the bus lane and children are not supervised to enter the building from this direction. Phone calls from the SRO or school administration may be placed if this safety violation is observed.  We would like to ask drivers to observe the school zone speed limits as they leave the campus.  Cell phones usage while driving is prohibited by a new state law while on campus.  Violations are subject to citation by law enforcement officers.

School is dismissed at 2:45.  Students who walk home or ride with parents may leave at this time.   All students will be picked up in the car rider line.  Due to heavy traffic volume and traffic control, there will be no sign-outs in the office after 2:30. The drive next to the gym will be used for Kindergarten students and their siblings due to the additional time that it takes for these students to load and be buckled up by their parents.  This line will not be available to Kindergarten parents after 3:00 due to bus loading zones.  Any Kindergarten student or sibling that is not picked up by 3:00 will be transferred to the regular car rider line, and their parents should get in that line to pick up students.

When a student is absent, a note is required.  This note is to be presented to the homeroom teacher within three (3) days of the absence.  Every student is expected to be in attendance each day unless excused due to the student or a member of his/her immediate family being ill, a death in the family, the observance of a religious holiday, or approved school-related activity.  To be eligible for perfect attendance, a student must be in attendance for a length of time equal to the state's minimum hourly requirement for a school day.  To have perfect attendance a student attendance record must indicate that the actual days absent at years end is .49 or below or less than 210 minutes away from school for the entire year.  Students who sign in late and check out early will accumulate time and when this time reaches 211 minutes the student will be considered absent one day. Students with three (3) unexcused absences shall be subject to the progressive truancy intervention framework outlined below.
Tier 1
1.    A conference with the student and the student’s parent/guardian;
2.    An attendance contract, based on the conference, signed by the student, the parent/guardian, and      an attendance officer.  The contract shall include:
            a.    A specific description of the school’s attendance expectations for the student;
            b.    The period for which the contract is effective; and
            c.    Penalties for additional absences and alleged school offenses, including additional disciplinary   
                   action and potential referral to juvenile court; and
 3.    Regularly scheduled follow-up meetings to discuss the student’s progress.
If the student accumulates additional unexcused absences in violation of the attendance contract, he/she shall be subject to the additional intervention tiers.
Tier II
An individualized assessment by a school employee of the reasons a student has been absent from school.  This may result in referral to counseling, community-based services, or other services to address the student’s attendance problems.  Students will be considered in Tier II after the 4th unexcused absence or violation of Tier I attendance contract.
Tier III
A more intensive individualized assessment by a school employee of the reasons a student has been absent from school.  Students in Tier III will be referred to Truancy Board. The Truancy Review board shall consist of the Director of Attendance, Youth Services Officer(s), and a representative from the Department of Children Services.
This review board shall be a fact finding and problem solving session for the student.  Each parent is welcomed at this meeting but one parent/guardian must attend this meeting with the student.
Attendance Tier III students may also be referred to counseling, community-based services or other services to address the student’s attendance problems in an age appropriate manner.  Students will be considered in Tier III after the 5th unexcused absence or violation of Tier I attendance contract. See school board policy JB for additional information.
If you have knowledge that your child will be absent for an extended time due to illness, please notify the principal or guidance counselor so that special services, such as homebound, may be arranged. Please contact the homebound coordinator to inquire as to eligibility and procedures for homebound at Warren County Schools Central Office (931) 668-4022 ext. 230.
Local Radio Stations will carry announcements and an automated phone call will be sent to parent phones.
Students participating in school sponsored activities whether on or off campus shall not be counted absent. However, since the student is missing important instructional time, whenever possible, students should request make-up work before missing class for school sponsored activities. In order to qualify as “school sponsored,” the activity must be school-planned, school directed, and teacher supervised. 

Centertown Elementary School is a school striving to continually improve the culture and environment of the school.    Centertown Elementary has implemented three school-wide daily objectives: Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn.   Students can earn “tickets” by showing the proper way to follow the school rules. Each month, students have a choice to spend their “tokens” on different incentives or assemblies.  We ask for your support in helping your child understand and follow all of our school rules and policies.

RTI2 stands for “Response to Intervention & Instruction”. It is a state mandated program designed to assist Centertown students who may need extra time and assistance developing their academic skills. The RTI program has 3 tiered levels at Centertown. Tier I is the regular classroom instruction that every student in the school receives by the classroom teacher. Tier II instruction is for students who have fallen slightly below grade level and have not learned at the same rate as their peers. These students are given at least an additional 30 minutes of instruction from an intervention teacher for reading or math. This instruction is given in small groups of approximately six-ten students. Tier III is for students who are not performing on grade level. Tier III students receive an additional 45 minutes of additional instruction from an intervention teacher. This instruction is usually given in small groups of three or less. It is important to note that since RTI2 is mandated by the state of Tennessee, parents do not have the option of their child being excused from Tier II/III instruction if it is proven to be needed.
Dress Code
In keeping with the educational goals of this school, students are expected to dress and groom themselves with a sense of responsibility.  The dress code eliminates obvious or perceived disruptive distractions and safety concerns. Each student will show a high degree of respect for the standards of decency, cleanliness, and style appropriate to support an educational environment.
All dress code decisions shall be made by the principal in accordance with the school guidelines and Warren County school board policy.  Dress code violations will result in 1st) a warning and a change of clothes 2nd) call to parent to bring a change of clothes 3rd) 1 day of in school suspension and finally 4) out of school suspension.  A call to parent or guardian will be made for each violation and may result in having clothes brought to school for the change. 
 Dress Code Grades Pre-K-4

1) Hats, caps other head coverings, and sun glasses will not be worn in any way or form in the school building.  (May be allowed on special dress up days).

2) Unnatural hair coloring and piercings (other than ear) deemed disruptive to the educational process by the principal is not  acceptable

    3)  Clothing and accessories decorated with slogans that promote or are suggestive of     drugs, sex,     bodily functions, profanity, tobacco, alcohol, gang activities, criminal activity, violence or death         and/or     hate speech or symbols including organizations which promote these disturbing influences are     prohibited.
4) Shoes must be worn at all times. Laces on shoes or sneakers must be tied. 
      5)  Dresses, shorts, or skirts that are slightly above the knee will be acceptable.  
6)  All pants will be worn at the waistline. Jeans and pants must not sag, bag, drag, or expose undergarments.  Jeans or other clothing with holes or tears above the allowable short length are not    allowed. A hole is a hole regardless of size. All holes repaired must be patched or sewn.  
7)Shirts must cover undergarments as well as midriff, chest, cleavage, back and buttock.  Clothing should meet this standard not only standing, but also when sitting stretching, bending, and/or stooping.   See through clothing is not acceptable.   
8)Wallet chains, dog chains or collars, bracelets or necklaces with spikes or sharp points and other wearing apparel that could be used as weapons are prohibited.  
9)Leggings may be worn only with dress code appropriate top/skirt/shorts that is/are slightly above the knee.   
10) Special dress days may be designated by the principal to include not limited to the following    examples; field days, picture days, school spirit days, etc. 
    Dress Code Grades 5-8
1)Hats, caps other head coverings, and sun glasses will not be worn in any way or form in the 
school building.  (Allowed on special dress up days).

    3)Clothing and accessories decorated with slogans that promote or are suggestive of drugs, sex,     bodily functions, profanity, tobacco, alcohol, gang activities, criminal activity, violence or     death and/or hate speech or symbols including organizations which promote these disturbing     influences are prohibited.
    4)Shoes must be worn at all times. Laces on shoes or sneakers must be tied. 
    5)Dresses, shorts or skirts that are no shorter than a dollar bill width (2 ½ inches) from the crease     
    6)All pants will be worn at the waistline. Jeans and pants must not sag, bag, drag, or expose     undergarments.  Jeans or other clothing with holes or tears above the allowable short length are not     allowed. A hole is a hole regardless of size. All holes repaired must be patched or sewn.          
    7)Shirts must cover undergarments as well as midriff, chest, cleavage, back and buttock.      Sleeveless shirts must have a strap that is at least the width of a dollar bill (2 1/2 inches).  Clothing     should meet this standard not only standing, but also when sitting stretching, bending, and/or     stooping.   See through clothing is not acceptable.   
    8)Wallet chains, dog chains or collars, bracelets or necklaces with spikes or sharp points and other     wearing apparel that could be used as weapons or could cause injury to a student are     prohibited.  
    9)Form fitting clothes, such as spandex or biking shorts, are not acceptable as an outer garment.      Leggings may be worn only with dress code appropriate top/skirt/shorts that is/are no shorter than 2     1/2 inches (dollar bill width) above the knee.   
    10) Special dress days may be designated by the principal to include not limited to the following     examples; field days, picture days, school spirit days, etc. 
If a student feels that he/she cannot comply with the standardized dress code because of religious or ethnic beliefs or physical characteristics, the parent/guardian must provide a written explanation to the principal for possible relief from certain aspects of this dress code.    
The school must ALWAYS be informed of work numbers or emergency numbers in the event your child becomes ill or injured at school.  One telephone number is NOT sufficient.  Please remember to notify the school of any changes of address or telephone numbers.  Children are called to the phone only in cases of emergency.  Necessary plans should be made with children before they leave home in the morning.  If you wish to speak to a teacher, please leave a number, he/she will return your call as soon as possible. 


 A “personal communication device” is a device that emits an audible signal, vibrates, displays a message, or otherwise summons or delivers a communication to the possessor. If a student is using a device on school property during the regular day, the device will be confiscated on the first offense and taken to the principal’s office. A parent may come to reclaim the phone from the office. If the phone is taken a second time during the school year, it will be sent to the principal’s office and kept until a parent conference is held. We, the Warren County School System and Centertown School, are not responsible for lost or stolen cell phones. School phones are for emergency use only and students may use the phone in the office with a phone pass from the homeroom teacher. Emergency calls do not include forgotten lunch money, forgotten items, permission to stay after school, or permission to go home with another student. Teachers, students, and parents are expected to make arrangements for after school activities or to cancel afternoon activities in advance, not the day of the activity

The purpose of the agenda book is to help students become more organized and provide daily communication between school and parents. An organized student will be more successful in school. Students are responsible for having this agenda book at all times. As students become more comfortable with completing the agenda book, they will discover how much time it will save in trying to remember schedules, assignments, important dates, and deadlines. Students, teachers, and parents need to share the responsibility for completing this agenda book each day and setting goals for constant improvement. The school will provide the first agenda book. If for some reason a child needs another agenda book, there will be a $5 charge for each additional book at parent’s expense.
Students are to conduct themselves in an orderly and acceptable manner at all times.  Students are subject to the policies and rules of Centertown School anytime they are on school grounds, or at any school sponsored activity.  If a student is brought to the office three times, the student, parents, teacher or teachers, and principal will have a conference.  The parent will be notified of the conference and two dates for the conference.  If the parent does not choose to attend a conference, the student will be suspended for two days.  Second offense student will be suspended for three days.   Some direct suspensions will still result if a student engages in totally unacceptable behavior.  Students at Centertown are subject to a specifically defined Behavior Rubric that details major and minor offenses and subsequent consequences.  This rubric will be sent home to parents for future reference.  The principal reserves the right to amend levels of consequence based on the type or severity of the offense.
1. Weapons of any nature are not allowed on school grounds.
2. The use or possession of a controlled substance (drugs, alcohol, vaping, or tobacco products) is not allowed.  Violation of either of the above rules may constitute a felony and must be reported to law enforcement personnel.
3. The defacing, damaging or destruction of school property is not allowed.  Property damage incurred by your child is the parent’s responsibility.  This includes textbooks, library books damaged or lost, desk or any property owned by Warren County Schools.
4. A “hands-off” will be strictly enforced. Students should keep their hands and other objects to themselves at all times. This policy prohibits any instances of holding hands, kissing, hugging, pushing, hitting, kicking, and any other physical contact. Violation of this policy will warrant disciplinary action. 
5. Fighting or assault, both verbally and physically, will not be tolerated and will be dealt with according to school board policy.  All threats of violence must be reported to a teacher or principal of the school.
7. Students are not to bring toys, collectable cards, etc.
8. Student shall be "expelled" (removed from the pupil's regular school to an alternative school or removed from school altogether for the period of one calendar year) for committing battery upon any teacher, principal, or any other employee of a local education agency or for possessing any narcotic or stimulant drug.  Tennessee law requires that weapons, battery on school employees, and possession of a narcotic be treated with ZERO-TOLERANCE. 

9. Horseplay is prohibited and will be dealt with at teacher or principal’s discretion. 

10. Students are not to buy, trade, or sell items while at school.

11. Leaving campus without permission is prohibited.

12. Profanity on Gmail (school filtered email) will result in loss of Chromebook privileges 

* Misconduct which violates club by laws/team rules may result in probation, suspension, or expulsion from the club/team (i.e. Beta, Student Council, cheerleading, etc.). ** Parents will not be given information about another student’s punishment other than their own child due to FERPA laws.**

If a student is suspected or accused of any offense committed in school, the principal may interrogate the student, without the presence of parent(s) and without giving the student constitutional warning.  Lockers and other storage on school property are subject to search.  (Policy JCAB may be reviewed in the Warren County Board of Education Policy Manual at any time).


BULLYING is any ongoing physical, verbal, or social mistreatment where there is an imbalance of power and the victim (target) is exposed repeatedly to negative actions on the part of one or more students. Acts of  bullying including verbal or physical aggression will not be tolerated.  Students should report any incident of harassment to his/her teacher, counselor, or principal. Any acts of bullying/harassment/hazing will be investigated. Bullying includes, but is not limited to, name calling, physical contact, intimidation, harassment, humiliation, insults, teasing, and gossiping.  If students are found to have participated in bullying/harassment appropriate disciplinary action will be taken as listed below.  The principal reserves the right to alter the hierarchy of consequences based on the type and/or severity of the offense(s).
*Complete policy available online at
School bullying contacts (259-4600): Your child’s teacher, Mrs. Dana Grissom (guidance counselor), Mrs. Pam Cowan (Principal) Warren County Schools bullying contact: Mr. Roy Pierce, Director of Human Resources – 668-4022 ext. 11107
K – 3rd grade Consequences
1st offense – warning from teacher
2nd offense - referral to principal
3rd offense – parent conference
4th offense – ISS, suspension, loss of privileges, etc.

4th grade- 8th grade consequences
1st offense – Warning
2nd offense – ISS, Saturday school, etc.
3rd offense – Suspension
4th offense – Referral to WCS Disciplinary Board 

The following chart is provided for parental information.  These are the descriptors and criteria that educators at Centertown use when evaluating potential bullying situations. 

*It is important that students report any of these behaviors immediately to an adult in the school or the bus driver on the bus so that issues can be addressed promptly. Please encourage your child to tell an adult at school or on the bus about any inappropriate behaviors displayed to them or if they witness it being done to someone else. 

Recognizing the difference between normal peer conflict and bullying
Conflict    Bullying       
One time/occasionally    Repeated over time       
Accidental/Not planned    Intentional       
No serious, lasting harm    Physical/emotional harm       
Equal emotional reaction    Unequal emotional reaction       
Not seeking power    Seeking control/possession       
Often remorse    No remorse-blames target       
May try to solve problem    No effort to solve problem     
Cyber bullying is the use of information and communication technologies-- such as e-mail, cell phone, and page text messages, instant messaging, still photo or video messaging, defamatory personal web sites, and online personal polling sites or personal or public web sites or journals—to support deliberate, hostile behavior intended to frighten , distress or harm others or their property. Cyber bullying, like any other form of bullying, will not be tolerated on school campus or at any school-related activity or function whether it occurs through school-provided communication devices or through personal communication devices. Cyber bullying that begins off campus will be considered school related if it creates a climate of fear or causes substantial disruption at school or interferes with the rights of students. Cyber bullying will result in appropriate disciplinary action and may also result in mandatory reporting to law enforcement or possible prosecution through the judicial system when appropriate. Students and staff are required to report to designated staff any alleged incidents of bullying about which they are aware. Reports may be made anonymously. Designated staff will investigate all reports and recommend the school’s course of action. Reports should be made to either Mrs. Cowan, Mrs. Crouch, or Mrs. Grissom.

Elementary students need time for independent practice of lessons taught during the day. Parents are encouraged to assist student if necessary.  Generally, homework should not require more than an hour to complete.  Occasionally some projects may require some home study over several evenings.  Students with an excused absence from school will receive their make-up work and explanations of that work from their teachers on the day they return to school.  This work is to be returned to the teacher within 3 days in order to receive a grade for the make-up work.  It is the responsibility of the student to ask the teacher for this work.
Assignments Formative (4-8) assignments and summative (K-3) assignments for which the student earned a failing grade may be redone, one opportunity per assignment.  The method of the redo, whether at home or at school, is at the teacher’s discretion.  Corrections should take place within 5 days of the assignment being returned to the student. The teacher will average the original failing grade with the second attempt grade in order to create a new grade from the average. The new grade shall not exceed a 70%. 
Example #1: Life cycle foldable - Original grade 45%, Redo grade 87%, Final averaged grade 66%
Example #2: Math practice - Original grade 69%, Redo grade 90%, Final averaged grade 79.5%, and gradebook recorded grade – 70%.
At CES, we intend to take a proactive approach and provide opportunities for relearning and grade improvement on an ongoing basis. 


Each student in grades 4-8 will be assigned a locker for personal use. NO locks will be allowed on the lockers. Lockers are school properties and are subject to search. Inappropriate behavior involving lockers will result in loss of locker privileges.
Notice: Lockers and other storage areas, containers, and packages brought into the school by students or visitors are subject to search for drugs, drug paraphernalia, dangerous weapons, or any property which is not properly in possession of the student (T.C.A. 49-6-4204, Public Chapter 636 (1994).
Notice: A student may be subject to PHYSICAL SEARCH because of the results of a locker search, or because of information received from a teacher, staff member, student, or other person, if such action is reasonable to the principal (T.C.A.49-6-4205, Public Chapter 636 (1994).
Notice: Students are responsible for the contents of their bags, purses, and clothing.
Any problems with inappropriate use or behavior involving lockers will result in loss of locker use.
Each student shall receive all required textbooks at no cost. Textbooks are property of the Board and shall be returned at the end of the school year, upon completion of the course or upon withdrawal from a course or school. Parents will be responsible for the textbooks and library books received and used by their children. Students are expected to return books in the same conditions as received, allowing for wear occurring from normal use. If this text or library book is abused, damaged, or lost, parents of the student the book was assigned to will be required to pay for the text (Board Policy IFAA).
Please send cash or check for each student when paying for student pictures, fieldtrips, etc.  Do not include any other monies in this check.  Be sure to inform your child and teacher what the money is to be spent for. It is recommended that money sent to school be placed in envelopes labeled with purpose of the payment, child’s teacher, and name of the child. However, if a check is returned from the bank, a service fee of $30.00 will be charged to the check writer. 

Any athlete receiving an “F” in any subject on their report card must sit out until the mid-nine weeks report is issued and a “D” or better grade has been shown on the mid-nine weeks report in that subject.  If no improvement is shown on the mid nine-week report, then that student will sit out until the next report card.

Students shall establish residence for athletic purpose as of September 30, of the school year in which the student first enters the sixth grade.  If the student changes schools after the September 30 date, the student shall provide proof of change of address into another school zone or the student will be ineligible to participate in interscholastic athletics for one calendar year.  The Director of Schools shall be responsible for developing procedures for implementation of the policy.  This policy shall apply to all schools in the Warren County Elementary Athletics Association and will apply only to those sports represented by the Warren County Elementary Athletic Association.
When a field trip is taken, your child will bring home a permission form giving the destination, date, and other important information.  This form must be returned to the teacher before your child will be allowed to go on the trip.  No telephone permissions will be accepted. The school reserves the right to prohibit field trip attendance if the student’s behavior warrants.
When paying for student meals, please send one check for each child.  Make checks payable to Centertown Food Service.
A. Policy Involvement: Centertown Elementary School will involve parents by providing timely information about the Title I Schoolwide program and its operation, making school performance profiles and individual assessment results available, and providing activities and communications such as, but not limited to, newsletters, informal meetings, surveys, parent representation, school agendas, and conferences. 
B. Shared Responsibility: Centertown Elementary will work with parents to provide opportunities such as, but not limited to: 
· developing a school compact
 · parent involvement policy through Leadership Team 
· Needs Assessment Surveys 
· agenda books 
· Parent – Teacher Conferences 
· providing volunteer opportunities 
· providing incentive programs 
· promote open communication
· school improvement plan 

C. Building Capacity for Involvement: Centertown Elementary will empower parents and increase their capacity for involvement by providing parent support groups and connect parents with community services and resources (listed in this agenda book). 
D. Accessibility: Centertown Elementary will strive for full involvement and participation for all parents by reaching out and addressing barriers by all means of communication available to us. We will coordinate with ESL, and other community agencies and organizations, provide an inviting and unthreatening atmosphere for all parents, communicate in simple and understandable language, and use interpreters and written information in Spanish for those needing it.
If your child has a medical condition that might require special action, please contact the school nurse or Health Services at 668-5111. Examples would be diabetes, asthma, and severe allergies with the need for an epipen, seizures, or others. We will assist you in communicating those special needs and the appropriate responses at school and on the bus through an Action Plan.  This is intended to serve as an informational guideline in preventing the spread of communicable diseases in the schools. Please refer to these guidelines throughout the school year. A student should be kept home when the following symptoms persist:
v    Temperature of 100 degrees or more (without the use of pain reducing medications)
v    A dry, hacking or productive cough
v    Purulent (green, yellow, thick, or unusual) nasal or eye drainage
v    Diarrhea
v    Skin rashes or eruptions: such as scabies, chicken pox, or impetigo
v    Complaints of earache, severe stomachache, sore throat, severe headache
v    Red throat, swollen glands around jaw, ears, or neck
v    Nausea and Vomiting
v    Lethargy (general complaint of muscular aches and pain)
Head or body lice must be treated with appropriate medication and proof of treatment must be presented the school nurse or administrator before the child returns to school. 
We want to encourage you not to send medications to be administered at school. However, if that is necessary, there are specific guidelines we must follow in order to comply with state law. You will find these guidelines below:
Medication: Students required to take prescribed medication must have an “Authorization to Assist Competent Student With Self-Administration  of Medicine” form completed and on file. This form is available from the school nurse or the school and MUST BE COMPLETED when medication is delivered to the principal’s office by the parent or guardian of the student. (Students do not complete the form or transport medication to school.)  Medication will be kept and given to the student at the designated time.  The school is not permitted to administer medication, including aspirin, Tylenol, etc. at the student’s request. NOTE! Any student possessing, selling, giving, sharing, or misrepresenting any medication in any form including, but not limited to any type of over-the-counter medication or health aide (such as vitamins), will be subject to full prosecution under the Drug Free Schools Act.                                                                                                                                                                    No school official or teacher will routinely dispense medication to students except in unique situations in which a child’s health is dependent upon medical aid. If under exceptional circumstances, a child is required to take oral medication during school hours and the parent cannot be at school to administer the medication, only the principal or the principal’s designee will administer the medication in compliance with the following regulations:  
The medication must be delivered to the principal’s office in person by the parent or guardian of the student unless the medication must be retained by the student for immediate administration (i.e., students with asthma). All prescription medications must be brought to school in the original container labeled by the pharmacy to include the following information:                                                                                                                                                                                                      
1. Name of student     
2. Prescription number     
3. Name of medication and dosage     
4. Administration route or other directions   
5. Frequency and duration of medication to be given.  
6. Date   
7.  Licensed prescriber’s name  
8.  Pharmacy name, address, and phone number 

Non-prescription medication may be administered only with the written request and permission of the parent or guardian. All over the counter medications must be accompanied by “Authorization to Assist Competent Student with Self-Administration of Medicine” form to be filled out and signed by parent or guardian.  All nonprescription medication must be brought to school by parent or guardian in the manufacturer’s container with ingredients of the product listed on the container and child’s name affixed to the container. The medication will be administered in accordance with label directions or written instructions from the student’s physician.   Medications must be in unopened containers and not                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
expired.  Aspirin or aspirin containing products will not be administered at school without a physician’s order.      
The administrator/designee will:                                          
1.  Inform appropriate school personnel of the medication being administered.
2.  Keep an accurate record of the administration of the medication.
3.  Keep all medication in a locked cabinet except medication retained by a student per physician’s order. 
4.  Unused medication notice will be provided to the parent or guardian for pickup.            
5.  The parent or guardian is responsible for informing the designated official of any change in the student’s health or change in medication.  A copy of this policy shall be provided to a parent or guardian upon receipt of a request for long-term administration of medication.

1.    Show respect to the lunch monitors and cafeteria workers at all times.
2.    Stay seated at all times.
3.    Raise your hand if you need assistance.
4.    If you drop something, pick it up.
5.    Do not throw or flick food on others.
6.    Do not run in the cafeteria.
7.    Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
8.    Use your inside voices.
9.    Do not take food off of other student’s trays.
10.     Do not go back through the serving line without permission.
11.     Sit in your assigned seats.
12.     Older students should behave as role models for younger students—Be careful what you say.              Inappropriate language will not be tolerated.

Bus Regulations and Contact Information
Students are under the supervision and control of the bus driver while on his/her bus and all reasonable directions given by him/her shall be followed. The principal of the transported student shall be informed by the bus driver of any serious discipline problem and may be called upon to assist if necessary. A student may be denied the privilege of riding the bus if his/her behavior is such as to cause disruption on the bus, or if he/she disobeys state or local rules and regulation pertaining to student transportation. Students who transfer from bus to bus while riding to and from school shall be expected to abide by the discipline policies. Any student wishing to ride a bus other than his/her assigned bus must have written parental permission and the approval of administration or his/her designee. Students should bring the parental note to the office first thing in the morning to receive approval from the principal. If you have questions or concerns about anything happening on the bus, please call Durham Transportation 473-8013 or 473-5817. Rules are posted on the bus and sent home at the beginning of the school year
1. Follow directions first time given.
2. Stay in your assigned seat with your feet on the floor.  No standing or changing seats.
3. Keep all parts of your body and all objects inside the bus.
4. No Smoking – No Drinking – No Eating – No Littering – No Damage to Bus
5. No Cursing – No Swearing – No Loud Talking – No Pushing – No Fighting 
6. Upon entering the bus, take your seat and remain seated until the bus stops.
7. Face the front of the bus and keep the aisles clear.
8. Do not damage or deface bus seats, windows, or other equipment.
9. The bus stop is an extension of school grounds.
10. The driver is authorized to assign seats.

      1.  First time:        Off the bus for up to 3 days
      2.  Second time:   Off the bus for 5 days
      3.  Third time:      Off the bus for the remainder of the school term

The following procedure will govern how students, teachers, staff and community members shall submit safety complaints:
Please contact 1-800-950-0485 to report a school transportation complaint.
·    All complaints should be initiated using the contact number for reporting and other contact information located on the rear bumper of each bus.
·    Once initiated each complaint will be investigated by the local transportation manager or designee who shall also report the complaint to the transportation supervisor, keep the supervisor informed regarding the investigation and notify the supervisor of findings and resolution of the complaint.
·    Investigation begins with in twenty-four (24) hours of receipt.
·    Preliminary report to the Director of Schools within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt of complaint. 
o    i. Time/date of complaint; Summary of complaint; Driver involved; Prior complaints or disciplinary actions taken against driver.
·    Within sixty (60) days of receipt of complaint, a final written report shall be made to the Director of Schools which shall include findings of investigation; action taken by the local transportation manager in concert with the transportation supervisor in response to the complaint.
·    Annual notice will be provided to students and parents regarding the process for reporting complaints.


Students are not allowed to chew gum any place on campus. We insist on this policy because of the damage done to the furniture, carpet, etc., as well as the lack of manners many times displayed by the gum chewer. Although, in and of itself, gum chewing is not a serious offense, the teachers and administration consider the disregard of a strict school rule an offense. Students who chew gum will be disciplined. Consequences may include: warning, clean tables, ASI or ISS. Additionally energy drinks or substances loaded with caffeine are not permitted at Centertown.


The use or possession of tobacco products in any form which includes Electronic cigarettes on school premises and on school buses by students shall be prohibited. To “use” shall mean any holding of a cigarette, cigar, or pipe, and inhaling and exhaling of the smoke of tobacco, or any chewing or dipping of any tobacco product. Students are prohibited from using any tobacco products on school property, school buses, or at school-sponsored events. Penalties for Violation: All offenders cited to Juvenile Court.


 Student use, possession, distribution, sale, or being under the influence of alcohol on any school grounds or at any school function (home or away) is strictly prohibited. On first offense, the student will be suspended and sent to the next Discipline Board where the minimum penalty for violation of this policy will be placement to the Alternative School for a minimum of 45 instructional days or until the end of the grading period, whichever is greater and the loss of all privileges in the Warren County School System. The second and all subsequent violations of this policy will result in the assignment to the Alternative School for one calendar year with reviews to be held at semester breaks to determine student progress and placement and the loss of all privileges in the Warren County School System. Being under the influence of illegal drugs will also be included with the above alcohol policy since it is not addressed under the zero tolerance. Students will not consume, possess, distribute or be under the influence of illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages in school buildings or on school grounds, in school vehicles or buses, or at any school-sponsored activity at any time, whether on or off school grounds. Disciplinary sanctions will be imposed on students who violate standards of conduct required by this policy. Such sanctions will be consistent with local, state and federal laws, up to and including rehabilitation programs may also be recommended.


No items are to be brought to school to be sold unless they are items being sold by this school in a fund-raising activity. No items may be sold for personal profit. All fund raisers will be cleared through the administrative staff. In addition, no personal items are to be brought to school by students for the purpose of trading, selling, or displaying.


It is the policy of Warren County School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, gender, disability, religion, creed in its educational programs. 

Warren County Board Policy 6.3401 defines Title IX sexual harassment and outlines the policies and procedures that the District follows in identifying, investigating, and responding to allegations of Title IX sexual harassment.  This school adopts a “two-pronged” approach. All conduct not covered under the Title IX definition of sexual harassment, including sexual misconduct, will be addressed by the principal under the student code of conduct and/or policy 6.304. Title IX procedures will be reserved only for those alleged actions that fall under the Title IX definition of sexual harassment.  

The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies. 

Title IX Coordinator: Robin Phillips, 2548 Morrison St. McMinnville, Tn 37110 (931) 668-4022 ext 11404;

504 Coordinator: Candice Willmore, 2548 Morrison St. McMinnville, Tn 37110 (931) 668-4022 ext 11501;

Other nondiscrimination inquires; Equity and Legal Compliance Coordinator Robin Phillips,2548 Morrison St. McMinnville, Tn 37110 (931) 668-4022 ext 11404;


If you have concerns regarding your child's development or suspect a disability, please contact your school or Warren County Special Education Services. Referrals of children with a suspected delay or disability can be made through the Special Education Department at Warren County Schools. Please contact Candice Willmore at (931) 668-1728 or email for more information about special education or section 504.